Reconstruction of our Minds

Reconstruction of our Minds

Your beliefs and action go hand in hand!

Have you ever had one of those days where your thoughts are jumbled, you can't seem to focus on anything, and you are just out of it? I am sure most, if not all of us, have had that at some point or another. This occurrence is caused by many things, including stress, too much, or overthinking.

How can we solve this? Just one word, RECONSTRUCTION!

The prefix RE means Again, and construction, as the name suggests, means to build something. We all have our styles and patterns as to how we do things, whether our daily activities, how we perform our tasks etc. We often get exhausted from following these routines, and overtime tends to be less effective. When this realization dawns upon us, we know it's time for a change. Creating a more effective and manageable plan will enable you to carry out your task more efficiently and increase productivity. Changing the way we think and how we do things can have a significant impact on how we perform as an individual.


Our Mindset

A fixed mindset believes intellect, talent, and other traits are innate and unchangeable. The tendency is to think you won't be good at something if you aren't great at it. Conversely, a growth mindset suggests that talent and intelligence can be developed through practice. We change our mindset when we start to change and improve our habits.

Reconstructing our thought process: We were always taught we think that our belief dictates our actions, and in some cases, it does, but what if we looked at it from a reserved standpoint? This means our actions do influence our beliefs too. Imagine you have an idea to start writing a book, and you may have some doubts, but you still try. Writing a few chapters, a week, and then you realize after a few months your like halfway to finishing your book. The point is that if you had given in to your doubts and fears, you would never try, and the dream or idea you might have had remains just that, an idea.


Our habits play a vital role in who we are now and who we want to become. Whether it's to be a model, a business owner, an entrepreneur etc. if your daily habits are not in line with what you want to achieve, then how will those dreams become a reality. This is where we must reconstruct our thought process, analyzing what habits hinder us from reaching our goals and those we need to include in our life.

Changing certain Habits


Some habits include social media, just looking at other persons' lives and seeing how successful they are. Seeing that sometimes has its pros and cons because on one end, you may be motivated to try to do what they are doing, but at the same time, you might get depressed thinking, why can't my life be like that? It's not healthy for your mental state. Taking time away from social media and meditating is fantastic for your mental health. We are on our phones constantly; even as we get up early in the morning, the first thing we do is check our phones. Instead of doing that, do some stretches or mediate. It doesn't matter. As we can all agree, most times, we get so caught up with social media and everything we forget about incomplete tasks and other activities that we have to do.

 If you're looking to grow your social media page and share valuable content with your viewers, then that's more constructive. In this regard, you can see how others have done it and what strategies they have implemented to make their page grow. Looking and doing things from a different perspective is quite eye-opening!


Rebranding our lifestyle

Imagine having a long day of work, and you want to sit back and relax and eat some delicious food; that's ok, and frankly, we all do it. But what about when you have a bit of free time? You can take that time to read a book, catch up on some research, create new goals, set a challenge for yourself, and work towards them.

We all need rest and time to unwind, no doubt about that! Taking a few minutes to an hour to learn a skill or improve your current skill is quite beneficial, both to you as an individual and to your business. The more skills you have, the more marketable you are. Skills are cultivatable, so you cannot limit what you can do. Having that thought process of knowing that I CAN DO THIS and work towards it is pretty powerful.


Some habits we can implement in our lives that can make us more productive is reading a book a couple of times a week. Knowledge is power, as the saying goes, and the more we read and acquire knowledge, the more powerful we are. Now I'm not saying that you have to buy a bunch of books and start reading because probably that will become quite exhausting but take the time to read something constructive. If you don't like reading, you can always listen to a podcast or audiobook. Listen to something informative and motivating to start your day right.



Rebranding our Physique

Working out is essential for humans, and no, I'm not talking about going to the five times a week, spending 2 hours doing various types of workouts. It doesn't have to be that complicated, and one of the things that I have noticed, especially with myself, is that I try to do all these workouts, and I stick with it for like a week, and then that's it. Taking slow, steady steps in simple activities and developing them into daily habits is a bit better because these habits will last longer, especially if you find fun and creative ways of doing them. It's like brushing our teeth; it's a habit we have constantly done, so it becomes routine. We can accomplish a lot if we reconstruct our minds to how we view fitness. Just walking 30mins a day or doing jump roping for 15 mins while watching your favorite movie or listening to your playlist, you're being active and having fun!



Being the best Version of Ourselves

We all want to be the person we created ourselves to be in our minds, and it's attainable but requires some work and effort. Just by starting just simple habits, you’re paving the way to the person you want to be. Your belief and action impact each other, so we have to believe in ourselves and put in the work. It's never easy, but it's always worth it once you see all the fantastic things you can do. 


Reconstructing our minds is no easy task, especially when we are in a system that teaches us to think a certain way or allows negativity to cloud our ambitions, but we have to try. We can do so by implementing healthy and positive habits in our lives. When we set goals for ourselves, they are a bit more manageable and attainable because of the patterns we have started to put into place.



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